Name: Romain Topalian
Host Organisation: Biberach University of Applied Science, Germany
Project Title: Safe-by-Design
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Chrystelle Mavoungou

Objectives of the Project:
The overall goal of this project is the development of a Safe-by-Design data-based computational platform for the intranasal drug delivery system in support of toxicological determination of intranasal drug delivery systems.
The specific goals are:
- Safe-by-Design approach by means of data-based modelling;
- Optimal design of Drug Delivery Systems, based on innovative safe-by-design computational tools and methodology.
- Task: To learn about Coarse grained molecular dynamic simulations
- Advisor: Dr. Alexandros Alexopoulos
- Duration: 2 months
- Task: To learn about special properties to materials to be used for the safe-by-Design-Concept for drug delivery systems
- Advisor: Prof. Martina Resmini
- Duration: 1 week
- MyB
- Task: To learn more about Nano-emulsion with the aim to design a safe and age-related drug delivery system
- Advisor: Dr. Nazende Günday Türeli
- Duration: 1 month

Short Biography:
My name is Romain Topalian and I am a recent college graduate with a dual french-german Master’s Degree in Biochemical engineering.
After several experiences abroad, I decided to pursue a PhD in a field that was completely unknown for me: Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Always eager to discover new fields of science, I decided to join the Bio2Brain project at the Hochschule Biberach in order to link my scientific knowledge to the AI.
Personally, I particularly enjoy gathering people around a good French meal.