Queen Mary University of London is one of the UK’s leading research-focused higher education institutions, a member of the prestigious Russell group of top UK universities, where multidisciplinary research in nanotechnology is carried out at the highest level, as a result of strong collaborations between teams in the Faculty of Science and Engineering and staff in the College’s Medical School. With a budget of £285 million per annum the College has a yearly economic impact on the UK economy of some £750 million, and has made a strategic commitment to the highest quality of research and invested over £250 million in facilities over the last five years. The Department of Chemistry within the Faculty of Science and Engineering, brings together internationally recognised scientists whose research is focussed on the three central themes of Functional Materials and Nanoscience, Physical and Computational Chemistry and Synthesis and catalysis. Research in the department is supported by facilities including the analytical and mass spectrometry laboratory, bioinformatics clusters, confocal and epifluorescence microscopy, NMR spectroscopy, protein purification (including cloning and expression) and X-ray diffraction.
Website: https://www.qmul.ac.uk/sbcs/about-us/our-departments/chemistry/