Saarland University, funded in 1948, provides 6 faculties and counts > 18.000 students, of which ~16% are foreign. students. 5 of the faculties are localized on a campus in Saarbrücken, the medical faculty is localized in Homburg/Saar, about 35 km from Saarbrücken. To foster structured training of doctoral researchers, Saarland University has implemented the university-wide graduate center GradUS, which sets benchmarks for doctoral training and supervision of PhD theses. GradUS also supplies administrative help to doctoral programs and is the contact point for international graduate students.
The Schneider group, Biopharmaceuticals and Pharmaceutical Technology, is working on the development, the characterization and the application of colloidal drug delivery systems and their interaction with biological barriers.
The colloidal carriers and their load requires modification(s) to suit the route of application (such as pulmonary, oral or buccal) and the respective biological barrier to overcome. Surface modification of the drug delivery systems as well as the adjustment of drug release are key properties the Schneider group focuses on. Besides the technical aspects the interaction of the drug carrier systems with biological barriers and tissues are area of interests.
Website: www.uni-saarland.de/schneider