My name is Gabriela Rath (ESR10), and I am a PhD researcher at the Queen Mary University of London (QMUL), in the UK. My aim within the Bio2Brain consortium is to develop mucoadhesive polymeric microgels designed for the treatment of neurological disorders via intranasal administration. For an efficient treatment, the loaded drug must be released in a controlled and sustained manner. To ensure this goal is achieved, I would like to examine the drug release of a small set of microgels, to define the best formulation possible. Therefore, a planned secondment was carried out at MyBiotech from 14th November to 16th December 2022. During this secondment, I could learn how to operate and analyse data from an automated dissolution apparatus developed there, the NanoDis System. Besides, I could learn the research my colleague Selin Akpinar (ESR3) is performing within the consortium, and received extensive training on how to ensure quality while working in industry.

I am very grateful for this wonderful experience and all the collaborations made. I would like to give a special thanks to Dr. Günday-Türeli, Selin Akpinar (ESR3), and the MyBiotech group for the friendship and help. I leave Altforweiler with new knowledge and a fresher view of my project.

Selin Akpinar (ESR 3) and Gabriela Rath (ESR 10)