Hi, Marta Rojas Rodríguez here again! This time I had the opportunity to continue my training on my secondment at Bern, Switzerland from the 12th to 25th of June. I was working at the Department of Neurology of Bern University Hospital-Inselspital in the laboratory of Prof. Dr. Andrew Chan and Prof. Dr. Vincent Pernet. Along with my colleague and friend Sebastian, I was able to observe animal experimenting in the central nervous system (CNS) autoimmune disease mouse models, learn mouse brain and spinal cord tissue preparation for histology with subsequent immunofluorescence and colorimetric stainings. Microscopy analyses (like the LFB/PAS and MBP/b3tub), ELISA measurements for CNS antibody concentration and Western blotting (expressional changes of protein levels) wrapped up the experience.
I also participated in internal lab meetings and the Neuroimmunology seminar series. Furthermore, I had the opportunity to present the work we do at LENS the second week of my stay and it was a great experience.
Since CSL Behring, another of the partners of the consortium is located in Bern, I also could visit their R&D section and I got a tour of their labs and offices.
Sebastian and the rest of the team were always very helpful, willing to show me the work they were doing and answering all my questions. Moreover, they included me in all the social activities not only at work but also during our free time.
Bern is a beautiful city and visiting it in the summer, I had the opportunity to enjoy not only great weather but also activities like swimming in the Aare river.